The pacific region is composed by the departments of Valle del Cauca, Cauca, Choco and Nariño they are located at the West side of the country limiting with the Pacific ocean and in the South with Ecuador. The main cities of this region are Buenaventura, Cali, Popayan, Pasto, Tumaco and Quibdo. There are many ecologic activities in this region such as see whales, turtles nesting, ecologic walks. Another important city is Nuqui, there the temperature is around 28 degrees, located in the coast and so, amazing beaches can be enjoyed. The Gorgona natural park is also located in this region it’s one of the most important parks in colombia, it is recognized because the amount of species that can be seen for example dolphins, whales, seals, between others, there is also recognized to have a natural reserve inside where people can walk and enjoy the beauty of nature.
This region has an amazing variety of traditional food such as, fish soups, mixed rices, crab soup, fishes, beans between others. Their gastronomy is really variated, it includes the cuy, aborrajado de mojarra, tamal de piangua and many others.
The Pacific Region is found in a flat area that allows the development of forest and reservoirs. The Colombians of this region are descendants of the Africans and they conserved their cultural roots. Their roots could be observed in their dances or skin color. Their typical dances and rhythms are currulao, abozao, and contradanza. Another important fact on that region is the folklore, because the African influence, one of the most important dances is the currulao which is danced in pairs.